My Example of a Mind Map and How I feel it is a Useful Classroom Tool

I did an example of a mind map based on a horseback riding discipline I ride called dressage. You can see the different branches connected to it that form different ideas of the sport. This is form of note taking can be used for any subject.

I learned that mind mapping is a great way for students to develop thoughts in a visual way. By doing this, students are able to see and keep track of their thoughts relating to a topic. I also learned that mind mapping also helps students with dyslexia or ASD. Using mind mapping rather than normal note taking can help students to better understand what they are learning and help them organize their thoughts and ideas in a way that makes sense to them. This is also more fun and engaging than normal note taking. Students can also use a mind map to help them brainstorm an idea. This can also be used as a collaborative project for students both online and with physical copies as well. Creating a mind map is easy and fun for students. The mind map is complete when the ideas stop flowing or when they feel they have nothing further to add in relation to the topic.  

I do think mind mapping is helpful to students because it lays everything out visually rather than in an essay format. This way, students can create their projects (papers, presentations, etc.) and can see what topics they need to cover and cross them out should they need to. I think teacher should incorporate this into the classroom when doing things like book reports, presentations, group activities or even just taking notes. Having a visual is often easier for students to see and understand. Teachers could also use mind mapping for guided notes in class and explain each portion of the topic as they get to it. Then, students could fill in the empty subsections and take additional notes if need be.  
