
Showing posts from May, 2022

My Final Project on the DIgital Learning Farm


Joining Forces in Purposeful Work: The Legacy of Student Contribution

I think incorporating multiple student jobs in the classroom activities can give students a sense of purpose. If students have a job to complete and other students rely on it, they will be more motivated to complete the task and to do so in an appropriate and professional manner.  A way I could help my students create an educational legacy that would outlast their own student experiences could be connected to the student as a scribe OR the student as a tutorial designer. I can use student notes or student tutorial videos in the years following as class examples of how to be a scribe or tutorial designer or even as a reference point to the curriculum when the students need extra help on a subject. This will also be a motivating factor for students as well to do their job and to do it well.

My Podcast of Lessons Charlie Brown Taught Us and My view of the Importance of the Legacy of Student Contribution

Image This podcast explain how Charlie Brown influenced us as children into our adult lives by the lessons we learned.  I feel the importance of the Legacy of Student Contribution is that students get to contribute their own work in a way that they feel most confident. Students also can collaborate with one another on this and build further understanding of a topic they may think they know about already.  I can see students creating podcasts in the classroom as a great outlet for students who may get nervous doing class presentations. This way, the students can create their podcast in a more comfortable environment where they do not feel like they are being watched.  At any grade level, students can do book reports, research presentations, or even just oral notes on a topic or content area that can be used later as reference or as a presentation tool.   I could set up a podcasting station in my classroom in the sa

The Student as Global Communicator and Collaborator

  In my classroom, I can imagine calling in reputable sources in to speak to the class in order to engage with authentic audiences around the world. This could be done via Zoom or even having guest speakers. These authentic audiences could be authors, people who have seen events first hand, or even well versed professors.  I think assignments that challenge students to partner with students globally can be more motivating than teacher assigned grades because the students can see a different world view than they see in their own local community. Students can also use this as an opportunity to have a pen-pal and build relationships with people of their own age globally. These memories may last a lifetime for them.  Some barriers to anticipate is finding a way to actually make this work in order for students to be able to speak to others globally. Teachers must plan well in advance to do something of the sorts to ensure that the students are able to successfully have the needed conversati

Student as Content Curator

Image I have created an example research project for students using identifiers for fiction and nonfiction books. Within this project, students will need to research the different identifiers, find books, and bring an example book to class with them.  Although this is mostly common knowledge to older students, the younger students may enjoy to research this topic and bring in a book of their choice and compare it to those of their peers.  It is important for students to be researchers as they will need to know how to conduct proper research throughout their adult lives and academic lives. With an increase in technology use, finding non reputable sources is far too easy. Because of this, students will need to understand that not everything they find online is accurate.  

The Student as Researcher

  When assigning students the role as a researcher, there are foreseeable positives and negatives. As a benefit, I can see the student who is assigned to be the class researcher to develop mastery of the material so that their peers can have great research to learn from. On the flip side, I can imagine that some students may not want to take the time to do thorough research as it may be extensive and time consuming. If the student assigned does not do much research and simply does a short summary of what they read, they are still completing the assignment, but not in a way that will be beneficial to them nor their peers.  If I assigned an assessment where students had access to the internet, I would have the questions be short answer rather than multiple choice. This way, it shows the students have mastery of the subject or understand the subject rather than being able to Google search the answer. Some short answer questions could also be opinion based. For example, my planned content

The Student as Scribe

  A potential benefit of having a student scribe in the class would be having a student who can take notes well and incorporate them into a format that is appropriate for all of the students in the class. A downside could be that students who are not the scribe for the day or the unit may not contribute as much as they should or contribute the best work possible which may make it difficult for the student scribe to take effective notes.  I think students who publish to a global audience will provide their best work and find as much important information as they can. I feel older students would especially benefit from this knowing that the internet is forever. They will gain a deeper understanding of the material they are posting if they are striving for excellent work.  I do think students will put more effort into work that will be posted for an audience rather than just their teacher. They see their teacher regularly and know what they can and cannot get away with in terms of assignm